Provide lessons that last

The best way to instill good money habits in children is to start early. If you start with simple concepts, many children can begin learning about money as soon as they have started counting. To Make it Count you need to provide responsible money management lessons as part of your daily routine. You can do this by modeling good spending behaviour, providing financial guidance and ensuring your child practices sound money management.

1. Model

Manage your own money responsibly and your child will follow suit. Kids model the behaviour of those around them, so demonstrate that you are an active money manager. Make a budget, talk about money with your significant other when your child is around and plan purchases. Children are taught good manners when they are young so they will be well behaved when they are older. The same goes for money management, start young and your child will carry good habits into adulthood.

2. Guide

Take the time to help your child work through money management activities. Help them set financial goals, make a plan and keep track of their earnings and spending. Make sure to discuss money management in a variety of settings and get your child's opinions and input about money both at home and when you are out and about. When given a chance to contribute their ideas about money, kids may be more likely to think about those concepts in their own life.

3. Practice

Make it Count provides many activities for kids to practice independent budgeting, planning and spending and will help reinforce some important financial lessons. After trying the activities together, let your child do some of their own budgeting, spending, and saving in real everyday situations. You can check in on them from time to time but give them some financial independence. After all, they will ultimately be the ones responsible for their money in adulthood.